We are the Daughters of Freyja,
We are rising and we are one,
We are her Priestesses, Her staff bearers,
We live by the elements, the moon and the sun,
Tradition keepers of the Völva,
Soothsayers for our 'Golden One',
Blessed with Her strength and Her knowledge,
We ride on Her red wave of love,
We hold the gift of seiðr,
We speak the fortunes of man,
We heal and protect the body,
We heal and protect the land,
We are Her wild women,
to us She is a joy,
Shamanka's moving between the Worlds,
Three times burnt,
Three times born,
Yet ever, she lives on..
We are a collective of women from the UK & Europe who sought empowerment through the connection with the Norse Goddesses.
We honour nature, we are activists of the land and sea and we use the ancient art of Seiðr to help us in our vision to help make the world a more balanced place.
As Co-creators of ‘Daughters of Freyja’ we had a vision in which Freyja and her feminine counterparts within the Norse Pantheon would once again receive the recognition they deserve.
All too often, modern Heathenry focuses on the male Gods, and at best only mention briefly their female counterparts. In part this is due to the nature of the reference materials available whose focus is on the macho/male roles the God forces and how they play out in the mythology.
We, as the Daughters of Freyja, seek to redress this inequality by giving greater focus to the feminine deities within the pantheon. We aim to restore the balance rather than deny the existence of the masculine divinity.
As a group we each have specialities which we bring to this collective. These range from a focus on the more academic side, as in literary analysis of extant texts from Old Norse traditions; through to the more practical side of modern day ritual and ceremony, this includes practical Seidr.
We are all about reclaiming the feminine Goddess, often seen as an appendage to the male God persona. The female Goddesses are as lively, and as relevant to today's society as the Gods.
In short we aim to reclaim the feminine in the following areas:
{Please see below for references to our mission}
We are a collective of women seeking to re-balance the scales by actively promoting the feminine divine within the Heathen community.
We will also be creating a series of trainings and workshops across the UK and Europe for those who are new to this path or wish to deepen their connection with the Norse Goddesses and Gods.
Part of our dedication as the Daughters of Freyja is to embody and radiate a positive, compassionate and loving spirit into this world.
‘Urd’s Threads: Word Weaving for Wellbeing’ is a space dedicated to
cultivating and living a more mindful, balanced life.
We will be sharing quotes and practices that have helped us on our journeys to become more centred, mindful and balanced.
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